ロンドンでは、アレクサンダー・ウィリアムソン(University College London教授の化学者)の邸に滞在し、英語や礼儀作法の指導を受け、語学の習得と博物館や美術館、海軍施設、工場などを訪ねて見聞を広め、日英間の圧倒的な国力の差を知り、尊皇攘夷から尊王開国に転じたとされます。


Charles Lanman
(American Secretary of Japanese Legation in Washington) PP. 9, 10, 11.The Vice-Ambassador Ito, in furtherance of the response, read the following words in a clear voice, so as to be distinctly understood by all present:
“Gentlemen: Being honoured by your kind generosity, I gladly express to you, and through you to the citizens of San Francisco, our heartfelt gratitude for the friendly reception which has everywhere greeted the Embassy since its arrival in your State, and especially for marked compliment paid this evening to our nation.
This is perhaps a fitting opportunity to give a brief and reliable outline of many improvements being introduced into Japan. Few but native Japanese have any correct knowledge of our country’s internal condition.
Friendly intercourse with the Treaty Powers has been maintained (first among which was the United States), and a good understanding on the part of our people has increased commercial relations.
Our mission, under special instruction from His Majesty the Emperor, while seeking to protect the rights and interests of our respective nations, will seek to unite them more closely in the future, convinced that we shall appreciate each other more when we know each other better.
By reading, hearing, and by observation in foreign lands, our people have acquired a general knowledge of constitutions, habits, and manners, as they exist in most foreign countries.
Foreign customs are now generally understood throughout Japan.
To-day it is the earnest wish of both our Government and people to strive for the highest points of civilization enjoyed by more enlightened countries. Looking to this end, we have adopted their military, navel, scientific, and educational institutions, and knowledge has flowed to us freely in the wake of foreign commerce. Although our improvement has been rapid in material civilization, the mental improvement of our people has been far greater. Our wisest men, after careful observation, agree in this opinion.
While held in absolute obedience by despotic sovereigns through many thousand years, our people knew no freedom or liberty of thought. With our material improvements, they learned to understand their rightful privileges, which, for ages, have been denied them. Civil war was but a temporary result. Our Daimios magnanimously surrendered their principalities, and their voluntary action was accepted by the General Government.
Within a year a feudal system, firmly established many centuries ago, has been completely abolished, without firing a gun or shedding a drop of blood. These wonderful results have been accomplished by the united action of a Government and people, now pressing jointly forward in the peaceful paths of progress. What country in the middle ages broke down its feudal system without war?
These facts assure us that mental changes in Japan exceed even the material improvements. By educating our women, we hope to insure greater intelligence in future generations. With this end in view, our maidens have already commenced to come to you for their education. Japan cannot claim originality as yet, but it will aim to exercise practical wisdom by adopting the advantages, and avoiding the errors, taught her by the history of those enlightened nations whose experience is her teacher.
Scarcely a year ago, I examined minutely the financial system of the United States, and, while in Washington, received most valuable assistance from distinguished officers of your Treasury Department. Every detail learned was faithfully reported my Government, and suggestions then made have been adopted, and some of them are now already in practical operation. In the Department of Public Works, now under my administration, the progress has been satisfactory. Railroads are being built, both in the eastern and western portions of the Empire. Telegraph wires are stretching over many hundred miles of our territory, and nearly one thousand miles will be completed within a few months. Light-houses now line our coasts, and our ship-yards are active. All these assist our civilization, and we fully acknowledge our indebtedness to you and other foreign nations.
As Ambassadors and as men, our greatest hope is to return from this mission laden with results valuable to our beloved country and calculated to advance permanently her material and intellectual condition. While in duty bound to protect the rights and privileges of our people, we shall aim to increase our commerce, and, by a corresponding increase of our productions, hope to create a healthy basis for this greater activity.
As distinguished citizens of a great commercial nation, prepared for business, desirous of participating in the new commercial era now dawning auspiciously upon the Pacific, Japan offers you her hearty co-operation.
Your modern inventions and results of accumulated knowledge enable you to do more in days than our fathers accomplished in years. Time, so condensed with precious opportunities, we can ill afford to waste. Japan is anxious to press forward.
The red disk in the centre of our national flag shall no longer appear like a wafer over a sealed empire, but henceforth be in fact what it is designed to be, the noble emblem of the rising sun, moving onward and upward amid the enlightened nations of the world.
アメリカにしてみてもこの1971年というのは、南北戦争(The Civil War 1861~65)が終わったばかりです。南北戦争でアメリカは、第二次大戦での戦死者の倍すなわち60万人あまりが亡くなっているのです。伊藤の「日の丸演説」を聴いたアメリカ人はこの、南北戦争の悲劇を想起し、流血の惨事を極限した形で維新を遂げつつある日本に、ある種の畏敬の念を覚え、賞賛したのではないでしょうか。南北戦争とは期間も死傷者の数もまるで違う戊辰戦争でした。ですから、いささか事実に反するとはいえ、「一発の弾丸も放たず、一滴の血も流さずして、わずか一年以内に撤廃することができ」たという内容をさわりとするこの演説で、新しい日本を建設しようという伊藤たちの意気込みが十分伝わったのではないでしょうか。
「The red disc in the centre of our national flag shall no longer appear like a wafer over a sealed empire, but henceforth be in fact what it is designed to be, the noble emblem of the rising sun, …」の部分です。
文中のwaferはウエハースのこと、すなわち、アイスクリームなどに添える薄くて軽い焼き菓子やカトリックのミサ(聖餐)用のパン、オブラート、そしてwafer capsuleと同じく封緘紙といった意味の単語です。
封蝋(sealing wax)とは当時、条約締結に当たっては署名の上に赤い朱肉のようなもの(封蝋)を置きその間をリボンで結ぶのが国際的な習慣でした。また、手紙の緘や高級酒の栓に付して、中身が手つかずであることを証明し、高級感を演出するために用いられることがあります。